BM Cargo Website

BM Cargo Website

I spearheaded the end-to-end development of the BM Cargo Website, a comprehensive import-export platform managed by Illo Company. This endeavor encompassed the design and implementation of both frontend and backend components to ensure a seamless user experience for individuals and businesses engaged in international trade. Through meticulous UI/UX design, responsive layout development, and integration of user-friendly functionalities, I aimed to facilitate the process of managing imports and exports. The website featured tools for tracking shipments, managing documentation, calculating shipping costs, and communicating with clients and partners. Additionally, I incorporated secure payment gateways and authentication systems to enhance security and user trust. With a focus on scalability, performance optimization, and intuitive navigation, I delivered a powerful online platform that streamlines global trade operations for Illo Company and its clients.

Project Info :

  • Technology : PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL
  • Client : Illo Company
  • Work Category : Full Stack
  • Employer : Freelance
  • Country : China

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