Digiteka Group Admin

Digiteka Group Admin

I played a pivotal role in the development and creation of Digiteka Group's comprehensive Admin panel, a sophisticated platform meticulously designed to effectively manage and optimize video ad revenues and generate insightful reports. This endeavor required a deep understanding of data analytics, user interface design, and backend integration. As a key member of the project team, I actively participated in conceptualizing and implementing features that enable efficient revenue tracking, performance analysis, and customized reporting for the video ad campaigns. Collaborating closely with cross-functional teams, I contributed to crafting a user-friendly interface that empowers users to seamlessly navigate and interact with complex data, ultimately enhancing decision-making processes and driving revenue growth. By leveraging my technical expertise and problem-solving skills, I helped create a robust and intuitive Admin panel that serves as a cornerstone for effective video ad management within the Digiteka Group.

Project Info :

  • Technology : ReactJS, TypeScript, Redux, NodeJS, MongoDB, Redis, Unit Testing, CI/CD
  • Client : Digiteka Group
  • Work Category : Contribution
  • Employer : Ingenosya
  • Country : Madagascar

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