Incubated In China Website

Incubated In China Website

I undertook the end-to-end development of the Incubated In China Website, a comprehensive online platform dedicated to showcasing the book "Incubated In China," authored by Shubila Ruth. This project encompassed both frontend and backend components, aimed at creating a dynamic digital space to promote and engage readers with the book's content. The website was thoughtfully designed to capture the essence of the book's themes and narrative, providing visitors with an immersive and informative experience. I incorporated user-friendly navigation, visually appealing layouts, and interactive features that allow readers to delve into the book's insights and stories. The website also facilitated easy access to purchase the book, providing a seamless e-commerce experience for interested readers. With careful attention to detail, I ensured that the website's design and functionalities aligned with the essence of "Incubated In China," enabling readers to connect with the author's journey and perspective. By integrating engaging visuals, responsive design, and secure e-commerce capabilities, I successfully created a digital hub that enhances the reach and impact of the book "Incubated In China."

Project Info :

  • Technology : PHP, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, MySQL
  • Client : Shubilla Ruth
  • Work Category : Full Stack
  • Employer : Freelance
  • Country : China

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